I got an MRI done on my brain to rule out some causes for some lingering issues from my gran mal seizure in mid 2019. I had it done here in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. I share some tips and the place I used in the video, plus cost and a bit of my personal journey of how Mexico has helped me heal so much. The results are that I’m clear of any brain issues which is real helpful to narrow down my last remaining issues.

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Show Notes

I got an MRI done on my head to rule out some causes for some lingering issues from my gran mal seizure in 2019. The results cleared me about some potential causes which was great news.

I went to Dres. Ojeda Resonancia Magnetica and it cost US$250 and took an hour. It was a Craneo Simple scan. Bring a robe and blanket, the MRI room is quite chilly.

The technician only knows Spanish so bring an interpreter with you if you are uncomfortable with speaking medical Spanish. My local assistant drove me there

They give you the negatives and all the medical imaging files on a CD. I couldn’t read files on my MacBook so I went to Postdicom.com and opened up a free account so I could download graphics and videos which I used in this video.

I also love my chiropractor who has been the most helpful in my recovery Dr. Pierre-Alexis De Saint-Prix.