
Many places we have rented we get thru AirBnb.

How We Learn Spanish

The best way I’ve learned to speak Spanish is by do a lesson everyday and then trying Spanish while I’m out of place. We recommend Rocket Spanish to learn Spanish.

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Security (VPN) Service

We don’t use VPN very much. Only when we need to access a site that is blocked from where we are at. One of our banks blocks all traffic outside the USA.

We recommend this VPN because it allows you to pick the country you want to be seen in. Different sites like banks and Netflix have different content depending on what country you are in. This VPN allows you to pick exactly what country you want.

Our recommend VPN

US Mail Forwarding

As soon as I came up with the idea to move outside the US I got a mail forwarding service so I can have my mail scanned in and read it no matter where I’m located in the world. The service we use also can send and receive faxes, deposit checks for me and mail PDF files I upload to them. Our recommended mail forwarding service.