Welcome back to Expat News by Expat Rebel. Here’s a weekly digest to keep you updated on the Expat World. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free weekly email here.

In this issue:

  • Embracing Practicality
  • Scorching Heat in the Yucatán
  • Aurora in the Yucatán

Embracing Practicality

Living in Mexico has profoundly influenced my perspective on practicality and simplicity. Some friends here recently shared their amusing thoughts on the MET Gala, questioning why Americans are fascinated by extravagant dresses that are impossible to walk in. It made us all wonder about the purpose behind such displays.

Here in Mexico, I’ve become a fan of what’s real and functional. I enjoy a comfortable life, but I’ve learned to strike a balance between comfort and necessity. In fact, I have a few items held together with duct tape because they still serve their purpose.

Seeing people carried around in impractical dresses highlights the stark contrast between showiness and real life.

Scorching Heat in the Yucatán

The Yucatán has been experiencing record-breaking heat recently. We were notified that the power company would cut power for most of a day—the very day we had planned to run errands in the big city. Fortunately, our solar system fed power back into the grid while the power company was down, earning us credits on our meter.

Praying To Aircon

I even wrote a joke about this relentless heat: “I found myself praying to my air conditioner the other day. ‘Please, oh mighty aircon, don’t let the electricity go out.’ It’s funny how I went from asking the universe for world peace to just begging for a cool breeze! 🙏❄️”

Graduates In The Heat

A class of high school graduates had their class photo taken in front my favorite outdoor art piece in Merida in 41 C heat.

Graduates in the heat of Mérida
Graduates in the heat of Mérida

Aurora in the Yucatán

In an unexpected twist, the aurora borealis was visible here in the Yucatán. Although it was just a faint glow, barely perceptible to the naked eye and more prominent through a camera, it was still a remarkable event. Having grown up in Alaska, where the auroras were a common sight, I never imagined witnessing them here. While I missed seeing them this time, it was a reminder of the surprising wonders that can happen even in the most unlikely places.

Photos Of The Week

Mini tacos
Mini tacos in Merida Yucatan were very good

Japanese candy
Japanese candy at our Asian market in Merida Yucatan Mexico

Our cat Ixchel napping
Our cat Ixchel napping

Dog kayaking in front of our beach home
Dog kayaking in front of our beach home

Another week of epics sunsets

Warm regards,

Chris, Expat Rebel Chief Adventurer

Chris doing some gardening
Doing some gardening and listening to classic rock

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