Welcome back to Expat News by Expat Rebel. Here’s a weekly digest to keep you updated on the Expat World. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free weekly email here.

In this issue:

  • Home Exchanging To Paris
  • NYC Airbnb Ban Leads To Complete Chaos
  • Cruise Ship Line Has Most Profitable Quarter Ever
  • Chiapas México Is Not Expat Friendly
  • And more Expat News

Home Exchanging To Being An Expat

I read this article this week about someone that swaps their NYC apartment with a person in Paris. I’ve done quite a few home exchanges. While living in the US I exchanged to London, Paris (3 different time), Rennes France, Venice, Virginia Beach in a massive beach home, and Austin Texas.

I highly recommend it. Not only was the place free, but you also got to live like a local. Being in Paris and popping down to get some fresh baked goods and then come back up to the Paris apartment are some memories I’ll never forget. I got to really live in the place instead of being in a hotel room. It’s much different.

It is the number one reason why I was so open to moving to a foreign country. It wasn’t so weird because I had done so many small local living experiences doing home exchanges.

Expat Rebel YouTube & Audio Podcast

Expat news every week. Want to listen to a weekly podcast about being an expat and traveling the world? Each week, we post a new podcast with news you’ll find in this weekly email plus bonus stories, wisdom, and fun from Expat Rebel Chris. Listen to Expat Rebel podcast. It’s like the weekly newsletter but with additional narration and thoughts from Chris and we have plans for special guests later this year. You can subscribe on YouTube for video, and Apple or Spotify, or wherever you listen to audio podcasts.

Travel News

México Expat News