Welcome back to Expat News by Expat Rebel. Here’s a weekly digest to keep you updated on the Expat World. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free weekly email here.

In this issue:

  • 10 Reasons to Choose Small Mexican Villages over Big US Cities
  • Reflections on Elections and Voting Rights
  • Photos of the week

10 Reasons to Choose Small Mexican Villages over Big US Cities

At one point, I considered moving to the Upper West Side of New York City for a business venture. The cost of living there was astronomical, with rent prices around $13,000 a month for a place with a doorman and conveniences just an elevator ride away.

Now, I live outside a small village in Mexico and couldn’t be happier.

Here are the 10 Reasons to Choose Small Mexican Villages over Big US Cities.

Reflections on Elections and Voting Rights

Living in Mexico as a resident, I often find myself immersed in the local culture and politics. While I cannot vote in the Mexican elections because of my residency status, I’ve been closely observing the political landscape, especially during the current election season. Watching numerous political ads on YouTube has given me a unique perspective on the democratic process here, and it’s something I deeply appreciate about living in this country.

Read My thoughts on elections as an Expat.

Photos Of The Week

Expat Rebel Chris at Sunrise
Me at sunrise

Crab while doing my morning beach walk

Plenty of shells

Ixchele being cute


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