Welcome back to Expat News by Expat Rebel. Here’s a weekly digest to keep you updated on the Expat World. If you were forwarded this message, you can get the free weekly email here.

In this issue:

  • Reflections on Elections Where You Can’t Vote
  • New Legislation Eliminates Extra Travel Fees in the USA
  • Retirement Senior Adventure Gap Year
  • Stunning Uxmal Photos

Living in Mexico: Reflections on Elections and Voting Rights

Today is election day here in Mexico. A Sunday and a lot of things are closed. I’m just a resident and can’t vote. Here are my thoughts about all that.

I invite you to dive into my latest article, “Life as a Resident in Mexico,” where I share my experiences and observations on the vibrant political landscape and culture of this incredible country.

  • Living as a Resident
  • Inclusivity in Political Campaigns
  • Appreciating the Right to Vote
  • Election Day Alcohol Sales

Read the full article on Living in Mexico: Reflections on Elections and Voting Rights – Expat Rebel

USA Extra Travel Fees Removed

I’m thrilled to share some significant updates that will positively impact your travel experiences. The FAA Reauthorization Bill of 2024, recently signed into law by President Biden, brings a host of new protections and improvements for air travelers. Here’s what you need to know:

  • No More Fees for Families to Sit Together
  • Automatic Refunds
  • And much more

For all the details, read the full article on New FAA Reauthorization Bill Enhances Traveler Protections and Aviation Safety – Expat Rebel

Retirement Senior Adventure Gap Year

Retirement opens the door to a world of new possibilities, and a growing trend among retirees is to take a “senior gap year” – a year dedicated to adventure, exploration, and self-discovery before settling down permanently. This concept, inspired by the traditional gap year for young adults, provides a unique opportunity to explore new horizons, engage in fulfilling activities, and thoughtfully plan the next phase of life. From traveling to exotic destinations and volunteering abroad to pursuing long-held passions and finding purpose, a senior gap year can transform your retirement into an exciting and meaningful journey.

Read the full article to learn more about how a senior gap year can help you embrace adventure and thoughtfully plan your next chapter: Embracing the Senior Gap Year – Rediscover Adventure and Find Your Next Home

Photos of the Week – Uxmal

We went to Uxmal, a fantastic Maya pyramid, just a short drive from our beach home. Enjoy the stunning photos of this incredible site!

Chris & Nan at Uxmal
Chris & Nan at Uxmal

Chris at Uxmal
Chris at Uxmal

Chris at Uxmal
Chris at Uxmal

Chris at Uxmal
Chris at Uxmal

Chris at Uxmal
Chris at Uxmal

Chris cooling off with a Mango Smoothie
Chris cooling off with a Mango Smoothie

Chris at restaurant
Chris back in Merida at a favorite restaurant

Warm regards,

Chris, Expat Rebel Chief Adventurer

Enjoying the ancient ruins at Uxmal
Chris enjoying the ancient ruins at Uxmal

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